Saturday, December 26, 2009


bill murray was the cameo in zombieland.

i'm watching garfield. he said garfield would be his one regret. it was terrible. it is terrible. i think the only reason i'm watching it is because i'm aaaaaall the way over here on the computer, and the tv is aaaaaaaall the way over there, near the couch, near the remote, near movement and lack of laziness and i'm not a fan of any of those things. besides, i have dirt cake, and the deliciousness of dirt cake outweighs the need to change the channel.

i'm so exhausted from the holidays.. and suffice to say, i didn't do much. so. yes.

i think i may just go back to my couch, play some chain rxn on my ipod, and wait until it's three and showering becomes a necessity. hmph.


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