Monday, December 21, 2009

this entry is dedicated to...

bruce the performance artist! "oh nooooooo."

i love that video, and i love bruce!

and this is just for fun.

i love craig ferguson.

while i worked out today i did a lot of listening to dead poetic, because though they are considered an "emo/alternative" band, i will always love them, and i don't give a tap dancing fuck what people say about them, they're damn amazing. and their acoustic version of "in coma" is one of my favorites.

hey, look, i found that on youtube too.

it seriously is one of my favorites.

so work today marked reasons why i seriously can't help but remember why i love my life. other than being able to reassure my best friend that my withdrawing from school was beneficial for me both mentally and emotionally, but was also far more validated than my brother's withdrawing from all of his classes but one the week of finals. he thinks that i'm treated differently - but i had a discussion with my parents before i did it, and it was before midterms, so all i really need to do was withdraw.

he could get kicked out.

anyway. i got a book of chants and meditations, because i'm working on reminding myself how to stay centered. yesterday after i spoke with that one customer who just made me smile i realized that all i really needed to do was focus more. so i'm focusing.

did about a mile and a half of walking and did about a half hours worth of punching on the punching bag (with some coaching from my father), i'm eating healthier and hey! i'm smiling a hell of a lot more these days.

i did one of those: work 'til waaaaay later than anticipated sort of things. but i really have to admit... mondays are my favorite day of the week. i get to work with tom, and joanna, and KATIE was in today (which really, makes every day better), and i got to see sam t., and he's a cutie. the only sadface moment of my day: when i found out that mike's last day is wednesday.

insert slashface/sadface here.

also unrelated, i had such a strange dream a few days ago... one i shan't detail. but it was weird.

back slightly on topic of monday's. tom and i love to quote bruce. everything is "oh noooooo." it's actually really funny. and we came up with the order of the zwiebel's. kelly was first, then colleen, then emily, so we came up with:

indiana jones and the raiders of the lost zwiebel (kelly)
indiana jones and the temple of zwiebel (colleen)
indiana jones and the last zwiebel (emily)


lord of the zwiebels (kelly)
the two zwiebels (colleen)
return of the zwiebel (emily)


the new zwiebel (kelly)
the zwiebel strikes back (colleen)
return of the zwiebel (emily)

this is what we DO AT WORK ON MONDAYS. really, i can't every complain about it. we have so much fun.

made myself bleed punching the bag today, though.

NOT as fun.

ALSO. the fact that the thirteen thousand dollar food order AND the wasserstrom order came AT THE SAME TIME today was not amusing. twenty original cheesecake cases. ten godiva. know what we've sold so far? two of the eight white chocolate raspberries. this is going to be a fun week... huh.

my fingers kinda are swollen, but i'll just keep fighting til they don't bleed no more, right?

anyone want ice cream?


ps: oh noooooooo.

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