Monday, December 14, 2009


although not a bad day in general, lots of confusing things happened throughout the duration of my eight hour shift.

karan came back; karan's our receiving manager. now, she's been out on medical leave for somewhere between three and five months (i don't really know when she went out, i went out in august, and she went out after me) and in her stead we brought in manhasset's manager mike.

we love mike. mike is gorgeous. with tattooes. and personality and charm. and he reads comic books, then lends them to people who want to read them. he's affable, gets along with everyone.

...not that karan doesn't, it's just different. he's also managed the receiving part of our store efficiently. changed a lot. and now with karan back and a new manager out at manhasset, he's sort of left in a limbo that none of us are fans of. he's going to be here through the holiday season, but they haven't given him any definitive answers about what and where and when he's going to be either shifting or not. we're all confused, and i won't lie - i want him to stay. partly because i'm selfish and want to be able to ogle him, but also because for days like monday when i'm opening and he's opening, it's just so much nicer to have someone to sit and talk to, someone in receiving who's dependable, and someone who doesn't kick cafe's doors open during their smoke breaks.

not to say we don't love karan. i was ecstatic to see her come back; she's one of my favorite people. she always gives us candy, buys us bread and peanut butter for peanut butter day, and when i sliced open my finger, she wrapped it up in awesome clear tape so i could watch the blood pool as i went to the hospital. mildly morbid, but i swear i mean it entirely in fun.

with all that said, i don't know what to think or hope for. i want mike to stay, but i want karan back as well. and we can't have two managers. so we don't know where he'll go if he doesn't stay here.

and that just sucks.

god forbid they put him in northport. then i'll seriously be showing up there at random, what with him and janet and dave and other dave all working there. it's like i'm swimming in northport half the time; that's not fun or clever.

on a slightly less horrifying note, tom and i came to the conclusion today (while we were hiding in the back breaking down boxes and letting jo and allie and naomi take care of customers and drink orders) that the phrases "i don't trust ___ as far as i can throw him/her" and "no shit sherlock" need to be fazed into our regular speech.

now, the first is easy to faze in and out. it's the latter that's more difficult because, come on, let's be honest. it's not very barnes and noble work-place friendly. but it's such a fun phrase, and i can't ever remember to use it! i wish i could, i wish i did.

so here's a mumblejumble of my thoughts from the day as the day went by:
seriously, vespa mugs?
i hate vespa mugs.
why are there more vespa mugs.
why are there more woodstock mugs.
vera bradley, cool.
did the milk company come yet?
does daevon exist in this world?
i hate changing garbages.
this is re-donk, really.
nearly threw up in a garbage can.
"my guilty pleasure is terrible celebrity magazines"

segway for conversation of the day:
tom: "why is there so much moose munch?"
me: "well, you see, when a mommy moose munch and a daddy moose munch love each other very much..."
jo: "they get together and create MORE moose munch, then THAT moose munch becomes daddy and mommy moose munch too!"
tom: " what you're saying is there's no God?"
me: "...yes."
tom: "i'm glad moose munch is our logical proof."

back to ramblemumble:
so that david guy is quitting freals? kay.
marshall is fairly creepy.
holy crap john t. gave me a christmas card.
was there money?
just a smiley face.
at least he didn't smack my ass like he did jo's.
no, i'm going to bed now.
ate jo's famous dave's remains.
had bob dylan stuck in my head.
did not win a quarter from tom for knowing who the cure were.
can i please take a nap now?
my ankle is swollen.
is it "pretend to be your grandma day"?
oatmeal cookie after oatmeal cookie
decaf coffee after decaf coffee
naomi has adorable hats.
brooks has done a TERRIBLE job of hiring people who are
smart and good looking.
neither happens.
and if it does, they're not single.

all right, i'm done rambling for now.


p.s. i still really want to marry Hatter from SyFy's Alice.

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