Monday, March 28, 2011

well, aren't you a tall glass of water.

oh god, and is he ever. well this song i'm obsessed with pretty much describes how i feel. which is, as usual, disturbing. but so true. i've found out a few things these past few days that play a part in a few of my friendships. nothing too crazy, but just enough to make me think a few things through. it really makes me cautious on how to proceed. i think i'll need to just be wary of what i'm doing. i have to confront someone, soon. i'm in a good place these days. i want to make a list of doable things to get done in the near future. some things fun, some things useful. just. a list. let's see. we'll start with tomorrow. monday: go to classes (obviously.) rush over to manhasset and pick up the ludicrous book i need for class. go to work, start to read said book. write a new poem. download a new song or band that someone recommends. kiss someone on the cheek who isn't someone who regularly gets their cheek kissed from me (ie, no family, hobbit, corey, cindy) sleep. tuesday: classes (AGAIN.) but before classes, read ceremony through a bit more. bio. fun. meet up with cyndi (who i've decided to start calling sweat pea) at bits playwriting native lit work. (with louisa) all right, so with those days pretty jam-packed as is, not too much emotional or mental productivity will take place, but i'll make something more realistic for the rest of the week. i'm writing this paper for my bio class. oh gosh, i swear half of these words are all made up. they must be. really really must be. ridiculous. sigh. i have to admit, though. i'm learing a lot about the marfan syndrome. which is something i'd heard about because a friend of mine, brittany, has it. she'd posted something about it on her facebook, and i was intrigued. looking at her, i would've never suspected something like that. i'm always curious if it's painful. i think that's what i'm most unsure of, only because so far in the article i have, it hasn't said anything of the sort. well, it has implied that the financial and mental strains of this particular syndrome can be so taxing that it may cause emotional pain, but physical? it is a lack of connective tissue within the body and an elongation of limbs, as well as an unfixable eyesight myopia that causes the people problems in general. it's intriguing to say the least. yep. my brain is officially mush. mushmushmushmushmush. i'm exhausted. i want to take a nap right now. but this needs to get done already. so sleepy. well, i'm going to get off this damned thing now. i'll post up a link of the finished music vid that meg made tomorrow, once it finishes itself. -aleey

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