Thursday, March 31, 2011

"he's the boy you're thinking of for the week"

as painfully true as this statement is, i love the person who said it regardless of the sting it brought. (don't be misled, it wasn't that much of a sting ha.)

without further ado, i begin the post of all posts dedicated to the one, the only, the amazing: strudel. toaster's strudel, that is. (bond, james bond.)

how to begin to articulate my affections for this particular little bundle of hyperactive, lesbian joy. strudel, whose real name i shan't use for the sake of... i don't know, whatever reason you can fathom. strudel is one of my best friends, and has been (with the neglect of a few scant years in between when i was insufferable as a human being) since tenth grade in high school.

she's fantastic. of course, this goes without saying.

we met my first day of high school. she was the only person to talk to me of their own free will. i was the new girl, starting in the middle of the year at freeport. and i was scared. what if all of those horrible public high school 80s movies were right? what if i got ridiculed, hurt, abused - all of these things were running through my mind. (none of these things happened to me, by the way. my high school was the antithesis to every stereotypical movie.) but as the day droned on, i had less to show for it. finally, living environment happened. and this punky, green-haired girl in a blue sweatshirt who sat on the otherside of the room hopped over a bunch of desks and said hi.

it blossomed from there. a cult was born from a chicken wing and a locker, jak and jaik tormented aprons and ed's. mary jane's went from hate to love to hate to love to rogue to hate to love in jaik's bathroom with a blow dryer. purrtling was a beautiful thing because cats say purr and turtles say... turtle.

you should never touch outlets, it was our main concern (though we both did...) and eventually we'll find jesus. closets weren't safe, chorus was hell but loved and stage crew was our life. we ruined so many relationships in high school... let's be honest, we were homewreckers. terrible people. (but the cool kind, that wrote bad poetry and dressed like punkrockgoths who listened to too much green day and secretly loved too much backstreet boys.)

creative writing was our sanctum, where we could be as free as anything. we'd stay late after school in the chorus wing until we had nothing left to do, make fun of the nazi's until we were blue in the face and paint and desecrate her room with designs that would make her mother think we were insane.

fiancees, boyfriends, girlfriends, asylums... we went through everything. literally.

but none of this is a tribute to her character, her amazingness.

whenever i have or have had a problem, she'll be there for me. helping me, listening to me, giving me love advice... about boys, even though she's not attracted to them anymore. to car accidents, to slurpys at midnight, to fudge! to hot chocolates, and crowding barnes and noble aisles with our friends. to stalking prospect girlfriends in the mall and making fun of the posers that litter the walkways.

to sitting in the middle of the bridges between the foodcourt and hot topic. to comparing our strange ways in life, to singing to cee lo green angrily and loud in the car while joe tries to cut people off. she does this amazing thing when i feel terrible (especially when she doesn't even know) and texts me her love and humongous hugs via messaging. or whenever she just shows up at my job and works with hobbit to kidnap me for the sake of buffalo wings.

our conversations always leave me feeling happy, and smiling. i realize, because of miss lovely strudel, that in life, as much as i want to be with someone and have a solid single loving monogamous relationship with a cute boy, i don't need boys. it's not a necessity. i can die an old, single bitty with too many cats so long as i have friends like her in my life to be there to play cards and make fun of ugly children with.

did i mention that she gives the best hugs ever? they're like warmth and hot brownies all melty rolled up in a huge peachy ball of strudel, wrapped around your midsection. and we save each other's lives so often, it's hard not to just never want to not be friends with her.

we've had our ups and downs, for sure. and there have been issues of mis-communication (and accusations of boyfriend-stealing - UNFOUNDED :3) and of course there have been lies spread (i swear... i never did heroine in high school, and no, she and i never dated...) but we've survived.

she's always made me smile. and she always will. and the way she sees the world through her crazy glasses always makes everything... better. entertaining. listening to each other's crazy tends to make us better people and keep us grounded.

and if she ever says to you that beauty and the beast is about a homosexual clock and sex, she is lying. however, atlantis: the lost empire is totally about sex. poor mitosis milo...

mitosis milo! and the ill-ass lawyers in living environment with our skeezy teacher with the jaik skeleton in his closet and shifty, shady eyes. and "you've got a little something there..." on that girl next to us. and mutilating the chicken wing, because he refused to give strudel the wedding in vegas she wanted to have.

really? this whole post is just solely about how freaking amazing strudel is, has been and will always be to me, for me and in life as a whole. what else is there i can say about her? let's see.

i can't even think of some of our best quotes.

suffice to say, strudel is awesome. get over it, she'll just always be better than you.



(ps, update-on-life blogpost may come.. later. at some point.)

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