Monday, January 11, 2010

timing is everything.

well, all, (and by all i mean the internet, not any mysterious followers i've accrued) i'm back from chicago, and it was lovely, to say the least. and i'm listening to jason mraz 'coyotes' which always makes me happy, because there's the slightly "operatic" part that i found out (while seeing him live) he does himself, and by hell if that doesn't amuse me beyond all reason.

oh shite, i need to call aaron back. i forgot. all right, after i splurge on some blog writing for therapeutic purposes, i'll cozy up on the steps for ten minutes and discuss the ludicrous video he posted for me. rufus a tit man - sure, we'll go with that.

so ramblemumble on the past few days
eddie izzard
long drive to chicago
even longer drive to chicago
no, really, it was way long
so much snow
big hug for mario/from mario
my foot going numb (lead-foot ish)
taking the "orange line"
looking like a tourist
seeing downtown chicago
admiring the snow
itching to write, no materials
beautiful trees
seriously beautiful trees
trekking to see beautiful things
saw day-breakers

segue about day-breakers
it was terrible. i mean really, really terrible. bad vampire movie times a million. something stupid, something ridiculous. it was funny, and i mean, willem dafoe saying "it's like bare-backing a five dollar whore" was great, something about "i love a good bbq" or sam neill's "shit happens, you don't die" because of being a vampire. it could've been better. the climax came too soon, it fell way to quickly, there were no real relate-able characters, and you sort of walked away feeling like it was stupid. i reiterate. stupid.

mmm, more jason mraz.

back to ramblemumble:
trekking through navy pier
to magnificent mile
bought new sneakers
(heels, snow, walking and chicago don't mesh)
cold air
really cold air
eddie izzard
joe frolicking down damen
lots of people
silly eddie
jazz chicken
eighteen foot spears
flicking off hitler's head
going back to mario's
peacing out
breakfast, bacon and eggs
knocked up
the bean
wandering around the land of chicago
bad train ride
woke up late
started driving late
sad farewell
sad farewell
one more sad farewell
wait, forgot my shoes
one more sad farewell
long drive
stuck in traffic
more eddie izzard
sleeping, sort of
the book i bought
lost in joe's car
got home at three-thirty
yeah, yeah, yeah.

in a nutshell, that is.

i want to try to play some final fantasy ix tonight... maybe. have to talk to oz, reassure him i love him and don't want to not be friends. silly people.

oh right. aaron. have to call him.

...things i didn't miss:
my phone
getting up early for work
people complaining
someone talking to me needlessly
sleeping alone.


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