Tuesday, April 12, 2011

eating delicious vienna sausages.

i'm watching parenthood and the parents of haddie just overheard her having sex because somehow her phone accidentally dialed them. does that still actually happen? i feel like people are smarter than that, but whatever.

i feel incredibly nauseas still. i threw up a bit at work - if by throwing up, i mean dry heaving what wasn't in my body out. ugh. i feel sick. i don't know why though. i sort of just want to curl up and sleep until i can't anymore. and sleep some more after that. i have to write a paper that's due on friday tomorrow. it seriously needs to get done. and hopefully i'll sleep. hopefully.

haha. the parents are in a stunned silence. strange.

haha. it. hahahahahahahahaha.

i'm so crazily delusional.

i really want to kiss bryan. how do i tell him that without sounding like all "i claim you"? haha.


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