Sunday, April 10, 2011

rama lama bang bang

sorry, have to watch that video. the one with wade robson. he's amazing. how sad am i? i can't remember for the life of me how to post videos in here anymore... one moment, please. aha! let's see.

^--- that video.

that's good. but now my font won't go back to the style i want. whatever, i'll just fix it later i guess.

di just made me eggs. i'm so hungry. oy gavult.

oh! haha, funny that oy reminded me of this. apparently my ex is dating the girl he left me for - except she cheated on who she was with for him! i'm utterly astounded! for shame.

in unrelated news, i'm hanging out with alex later today, probably going bowling because even as friends we're like an old married couple. we'll probably listen to yellowcard while we're driving in his mini cooper, or dead poetic, and then we'll go bowl two games (i'll probably just closely kick his butt) then we'll do... i don't know. dinner maybe? haha. let's do dinner, shall we? why yes darling, that sounds absolutely divine.

children playing games in the living room. with probably very unsafe pointed tips of wood (not swords, more like kebab skewers. whatever. let them hurt themselves, it's the only way they'll learn!)

i am going to make a terrible mother. ha. enjoy it while you can children.

speaking of children, i wonder how arianna and kayla are. the latter probably still causing trouble, but the first is still the little angel she's always been. if i ever have kids, i want an arianna. she's literally the best.

i'm going to get up and get those eggs. i will. soon. at some point. ...maybe. (really? probably not.)

were there any other videos i wanted to share? did i ever share this one?

it's so terribly good. i really do enjoy it. it's pretty and nice. (<--- like my vernacular and adjective prowess there?)

she fights for her life on the train.

i'm winning you with words because i have no other way, so nice.

if there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.

'tis true. maybe i'll see if manny isn't bored out of his mind on wednesday. we'll go eat something and make fun of each other's love predicaments. if that is what they are.

"if that is your real name!"

i had to. i heard craig ferguson in my head as i wrote it.

i really should go eat... and probably relieve myself, as nature calls. but i have no desire to mooooooooove. (insert cow mooing here)

now i have that song in my head. let's see... what's something better. (well, not better as her morning elegance isn't bad.)


love the song, love... the suggestions. ha. i'm a huge fan.

i will burn the heart out of you.
i have been reliably informed that i don't have one.


lights will guide you home. and ignite your bones.
and i will try to fix you.

love it. i'm such a sap. jees.

all right, breakfast time. and possibly shower and homework time, if i fight off procrastination...

back, procrastination, back! back in your cage!


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