Monday, April 25, 2011

my head hurts

it's sunday night, i have to get up in five and a half hours to go to work and i still haven't written my paper for history that's due on wednesday. so i'm going to have to work on that tomorrow after work, and tuesday before playwriting (or through it, depending on if i go or not) and then after work at some point too. and i need to finish over the bio lab that i could've been doing all week but waited until the very last minute to do. i think all i have to finish is the graph, though. pretty sure anyway.

my head is really, seriously killing me. i'm exhausted. and i'm nervous about doing the food order. its been literally weeks since i've worked a monday morning. i don't know what i'm going to do, or if i'll be able to keep up. thankfully tom will be there, so that'll be nice. and jo. and alyssa. so it'll be a good monday. fast-paced, i'm sure. and cyndi's coming with me so she can go and buy as many cadbury eggs as possible at stop and shop. most likely on sale.

we re-watched inception again today. i think i'm starting to hate this movie. it's okay, it's well thought out, but the more i watch it, the less i like leonardo dicaprio. i love ellen page and joseph gordon-levitt (because really, he's amazing) and tom hardy (aka baine). but leo and i don't get along. for some reason. there's something offputting about him. ehhh.

easter went well. christos anesti, readers! (you say alithos anesti!)

i need to rework my play. and write that essay. fuck i really wasted all this vacation sleeping. damnit. all right, bed time.

night all.

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