Saturday, April 2, 2011

this is how it works.

i desperately need to stop taking naps mid-day. or late afternoon. whichever. because no matter what i try to do otherwise to later fall to sleep, i simply can't. my body refuses to let me pass out. it's horrifyingly obnoxious. i just want to sleep until i physically can't anymore. not that in this house that'll ever be an option (what with not having a room with soundproofed walls).

have you ever noticed how easily life just sweeps you up without giving you the moment to realize? that's how i've felt for the past few... well, years maybe? it's like i'm hanging in that moment before i sneeze, waiting in that haphazard phase of will it happen, will it not. don't read too much into this: i'm not dealing with a will or will not situation at the moment. in essence i could be, but it's not an overwhelming, all-encompassing life-altering issue.

my head is still killing me, craig ferguson is on and all i really want is a huge cup of tea and an enormous sleeping pill that will make me have strange dreams of running around the countryside on the back of a dog the size of clifford, with laffy taffy dangling in front of it's eyes to keep it interested in the sway of the movement.

i'm looking forward to texas. and to otakon. and maybe even to sleeping in for a week straight. and in some ounces of it, i'm looking forward to swahili. even though really? why am i going to torture myself? don't ask me. i'll never know the answer.

i think i just like the way i type, so i like to write in this thing to hear my fingers click at an unearthly speed across this keyboard. because the clackclackclack of my fingers like heels on a wood floor makes me happy, somewhat.


i want to need to write again. i'm losing my edge.


and please someone let me sing? please?

shite. my left leg has officially started to go numb. fabulous.

all right, craig ferguson and i are sharing a few moments that will hopefully, eventually, put me to sleep.



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