Tuesday, April 12, 2011

then you ask why i don't live here...

honey, why don't you move?

i was listening to on the road again by bob dylan on my way home. it's one of the few songs on my mixed cd that always manages to make me smile real big. i'll never get tired of it. plus, it plays right after 2.99c by my beloved regina. it's beautiful. aha.

i have to admit, today was... better than i expected? i spent the first part of the day (after my bio lab) writing. and i really, really like where it's going. sure, it's nothing too specific just yet... and it's all a rough outline of what i want, so we'll see. i'm going to recruit oz and strudel (and hobbit's already looked at it today) to read it. i'm looking forward to what they have to say, because really? who else can read my mind the way they do? no one. not a single person.

well, maybe my mom. but, really?

i'm a little chilly. and i'm icing my knee. again. gonna have to wear the ace bandage tomorrow at school and hope that i don't gimp too much around campus. maybe i'll hitch a ride on someone's back (yeah, right, likely.) i can't wait for tomorrow to be over. then my week will really start. my plans for this week are fairly epoch. (yes, intentional, enjoy it damnit.)

wednesday: during the day i write my paper. or, in the morning, i go get contacts. either or. (i may put that off to next week when i have more time). then class 'til two. then i'll probably hang out with tone and jess for a bit, they'll go to class, and then duh-duh-duh-duh-duh! manny gets out of class at three, so we're going to help a friend of his dress himself better. or change his style. something like that. and then joe and i will meet up, probably on campus. it'll be a blast.

thursday: i don't have native american lit (it was cancelled, we have to see a play instead). so that means i might not go to play writing. however, i do have to go to the play. i forgot that when i suggested thursday to see alex. maybe i'll all ask (force) him to come with me. depends on if it costs anything. if it doesn't, i'll just tell him to get his ass here. if not, i'll cancel plans and we'll postpone to another night. his band does have a show on the thirtieth, so he can't possibly miss me too much.

friday: school, and then bam! it's strudel's weekend birthday drinking extravaganza! we're going out friday and saturday. i'm thinking of just getting someone to take my saturday opening shift, so i can drink however much i want and just crash on her couch or something. i'll figure it out. meh.

saturday: either work in the morning and then more drinking, or just, straight drinking. which doesn't sound like me, sure, but... it's strudel's birthday. i can't not do what she wants... it's like i'm driven to follow her every command. (do NOT let that go to your head, woman.)

and then sunday is officially spring break for me. it's cyndi's last day of the play she's doing (which i think is the new discovery thing or whatever that i need to see for native lit anyway). and then she's going to probably spend some time at my house, since she's coming over for easter. awww, easter... oh noes!

my whole damn family is on a diet! i know we'll be having lamb, but... but what if there's no sponakopetia?! what if i have to just eat... normal things? normal easter food? what if i don't get to pretend to be greek at all?!

well, that was overdramatic. but i'm watching craig ferguson. and he always makes me overly dramatic.

let's see. what else happened today? hobbit bought me dinner! it was very nice of him. we closed fairly timely for what we usually do. once i noticed how many magazines there were to put away, though, i pretty much slowed down my pace from let's get the eff outta here to okay, eleven-thirty ain't bad...

tone and jess keep making fun of me. saying i have a thing for my friend shea. i just get easily distracted when people make faces at me! i'm sorry! mean.


stupid knee. sigh again.

i watched the ultimate showdown again yesterday. i seriously missed it. don't know why. and word dissociation. i love lemon demon.

dream, dreamer, dream.

why can't i SLEEP?!

hum. i started writing two things today. first was the one previously mentioned. then i started to write something (on cardboard again, do not judge me, damnit) and it actually started better than i thought it would. something about thinking a customer is a serial killer. not creepy, just observatory.

unrelated: i really love mike rowe. he's so adorable.

also, because i have to just admit to my newly renewed obsession with this man:

do you see him? do you?! i know strudel. and well... everyone who reads this, since the only other one who does is corey, and he's a boy. so you probably don't see. but. look!


so adorable. love him. sigh.

all right. craig ferguson is love. i think i'm going to try to finish up wristcutter's: a love story (with patrick fugit, who's adorable sort of) because it actually seems pretty nice so far. i love the dull-set filming. it's kind of perfect for the whole suicide theme.

ugh. i should attempt sleeping. but i'm hungry, too, and that's not a beneficial thing for me at all. meh.

all right lovelies. smile.

i'm going to pretend that i have money and look up dresses on modcloth.com




ps. all this sighing as to stop. i sound like i'm constantly complaining about my life.

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