Saturday, April 16, 2011

my brain hurts.

just got back from strudel's. i'm sitting here, on the couch, remembering how hard it is to have privacy in my house again. it's a little scary. felipe and david (felipe's friend) are sitting at the table playing with a calculator. really? a calculator?

my mom, aunt and dad are all cooking. it's cooking day - the diet they're on requires specific meals prepared a specific way in this cookbook they have. so my mom goes out, buys the extra stuff that they need, plans out five days worth of meals, and then makes them all into portions and puts them into the fridge with the number of the meal (five meals a day) and the day of the week (usually labeled 1-5, considering she doesn't make all seven days worth of meals, she'd never sleep). some of the stuff she makes is delicious. like that really good turkey chili that i loved. she's slowly converting everyone in our house.

since they make extra meals and extra food with each recipe, she has a few extra things with a label "f" on them, which means they're free. mmm. one night i had turkey meatloaf and mashed potatoes with green beans. mmm. it was delicious. and man... i can't stop thinking about how good that chili was.

i've been so exhausted. i'm so excited it's spring break. my friend sam took my shift for today (yes!) so i got to relax and have my first real day of spring vacation. i'm just gonna sit here for a bit, maybe take a nice long bath and re-read the stranger later. i've had this strange desire to re-read it and figure out whether or not i agree with his epiphany at the end or not. i remember in high school i thought he was full of it. but i want to try again. i only remember the beginning, with his mother, him napping, him meeting the woman, him killing the guy and his epiphany. i'm sure there's more somewhere in between everything too.

i'm trying to remember all the songs that i put on this one cd that's in my car. let's see:

1: jungle drum
2: i'm still here

...great. i can't remember. i'll go get it out in a few.

there was a huge telephone pole tilted over hanging on the wires on hempstead turnpike. i always enjoy stuff like that. mostly because as it dangles, i can imagine all of the things that caused it, what could happen in fixing it, what people are thinking when they look at it...

i realized i never fully developed. i'm still too much of a kid. i can pretend to be a grown up, but who wants to? i hate it. talking like one, acting like one. i'd rather not. i'd rather go out in the rain for a long walk with headphones thinking about how good it smells and how funny the way people are scared of rain are.

i remember the "tornado" that hit e-rock when i was a kid. we went for a stroll after it had all settled down and there were trees uprooted, vin's lawn was covered in the tree, chris v's back yard was mutilated with tree remnants. i remember this huge weeping willow tree toppled over in one of the parks around from amanda's house. as a kid, i loved that tree. it broke my heart to see it sitting there.

if you look of the exit for freeport, there's a huge tree still on its side by the road. but it isn't any kind of an obstruction, so it doesn't matter.

i'm incredibly comfortable right now. i don't know why. i think it's all strudel's fault. she always manages to make me laugh. i can't remember what we were talking about in the car, but it was hilarious.

i need to go do some writing for a bit, put in a good effort. need to find inspiration. going to peruse some quotes. hmm. i'll pick a few, put them here V---- and then pick one.

"he felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it." - douglas adams

"the aim of life is self-development. to realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for." - oscar wilde

"the most wasted of all days is one without laughter." - e.e cummings

"an opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it." jef mallett

"imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." - jules de gaultier

"a man thinks that by mouthing hard words he understands hard things." - herman melville

"maps encourage boldness. they're like cryptic love letters. they make anything seem possible." - mark jenkins

oh dear:

batty: are you sure?
zack: i'm positive.
batty: only fools are positive.
zack: are you sure?
batty: i'm positive. -pause- oh!

i love ferngully.

i forgot, as i was driving back home, that i was going to write down all of the idiotic things i know for no reason. such as:

mr. rogers had his car stolen once (while he was still alive, obviously). they thieves found out it was his and returned it the next day with a note on it that said "sorry, we didn't know it was yours." legend goes that it even came back cleaned up and beautiful looking.

i can hypnotize a chicken. in case i want to start a chicken army.

after eighty different studies, not in a single one did an ostrich stick its head into the ground.

more common knowledge: you can't eat a tablespoon of cinnamon.

you only ever remember the last few dreams you have. you're technically dreaming all night. that's if you remember them at all.

i'm tired. i can't remember what else i was going to put here.

how mundane! monotonous! insanity - oh dear!

oh, helen! goddess, nymph, perfect, divine!

that's the only shakespeare quote i really enjoy. frak. all right.



remember. you'll smile soon.

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