Sunday, April 24, 2011

session 9.

it's what i'm going to start today's post about. i watched it on my laptop via netflix earlier this morning, after i'd gone out and gotten myself contacts. david caruso wasn't terrible and the rest of the cast was entertaining. the movie itself wasn't scary; it was more eerie and boggling. in essence, it reminded me of unknown, because it was slow moving, but kept you wondering enough and for such a period of time that you didn't get bored. i liked it. the ending, though somewhat gruesome in the realism of it, was great.

and simon's character, though the voice of which i haven't been able to find the host of, was great.

i wish i could find the last quote he says; i'll add it to either this post or a new one later, once googlechrome stops being a pansy bitch.

anyway, go see session 9. i enjoyed it. and i'm going to be able to sleep tonight, so, well done. well done indeed.

the day was comprised of procrastination, making sponakopeta, ravani and purchasing more fillo and feta cheese. mmm. feta cheese is so delicious. so freaking delicious. and tomorrow's easter, so we started making the food. it'll be great. so much amazing food, i can't wait.

so alex come by today. insert deep breath here.

whenever i hang out with alex, my brain gets complicated. because we always have fun, and he and i are so different and yet mesh so well. it's always a little baffling because i wonder if we would've worked. the song call it off by tegan and sara seems to fit for us.

and maybe i would've been something you'd be good at
maybe you would've been something i'd be good at
but now, we'll never know
i won't be sad but in case i'll go there every day to make myself feel bad
there's a chance that i'll start to wonder if this was the thing to do

because in reality, we probably would never actually work. we are different, and even though we get along, his energy is off the charts, and i like to lay on the bed and watch movies. he likes to work out, i like to eat pizza. and there's that whole him being bukharian. would play into problems for families and such. it'd be interesting, but i'm not exactly sure that everything i feel for him would've lasted.

but let me tell you something. when he and i spend time together, it's incredibly fun. platonic fun, too, which is why i'm more certain that we're better off this way. because he thinks tom cruise can act, that family guy and american dad are comedy gold, that will ferrell is actually funny and although it hasn't been proven i bet he likes rick astley more than the normal person.

yet... so much fun. like the time we went out at two to get kfc and came back with the extra thighs they gave us for having no legs and watched monster house (which, now that i think about it, was sort of our movie.)

oh! right! i also got to watch die hard today. mission accomplished.

my dad and i also glimpsed tombstone for a bit (oh, doc holiday) and checked out the dead pool, which by the way, has a hilariously drug-addicted jim carrey in it. and a pony-tailed liam neeson. (NEESON, dad, not neilson which is adorable to hear.)

all right. i need to take out my contacts and hope i don't look to exhausted tomorrow whenever cyndi decides to call me to pick her up.

will be eating delicious eggs with kelbasa and mmm. chocolate chip pancake leftovers.

too bad we didn't go bowling. i probably woulda whipped his ass.

all right. sleep. loves.


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