Sunday, April 3, 2011

let bigones be bigones and lonesomes be long gone.

oh, dear keb mo. i miss you in my life. i should download that song... (first i have to find it, then download it, but whatever.)

today was fun. i know that sounds silly, but well... it was. i hung out with mike yesterday, and oddly enough, things went swimmingly well at friendly's (strudel pointed this out: wherever he and i go, we're eating ice cream. weird.) and he seems to be okay with the fact that we're just better off as friends. because i don't see us going anywhere.

but i digress.

i went with my aunt this morning to get cigarettes. out on the reservations; holy cow do they sell a lot of cigarettes. and all in cartons (well, mostly, i'm sure you could buy packs if you wanted to). we drove out on sunrise highway - and oddly enough, it didn't take as long as i thought it would. definitely saw it taking at least three hours all together, barely took us two. and it wouldn't have even been that long, had it not been for the bits of sunday traffic going west on our way home. but that doesn't matter.

we bought a boat load of cigarettes; a scary amount. it's frightful seeing how many. obnoxiously frightening. and they gave us four free packs of something called cobra 100s. they must be one of the least favorite packs because they literally just... handed them to us. so i'm giving them to bryan; he's poor and smokes. and i don't think anyone else i know does (other than maybe tomi and louisa, but they'd both yell at me for furthering their habit, so i won't offer.)

so after that whole trek, we got home, helped clean up a bit, and then went shopping. to be fair, i was significantly grumpier than i thought i'd be at first. but hurrah! i found bras. i know that sounds arbitrary, but i've been living on the same one bra for about five months now. so i was happy, to say the least. three new bras. all beautifully supportive. i'm sorry, has this reached a tmi level? i apologize. i'm far too open. lesigh.

so we get home. around, i'd say, four. i finish up bio (look at me being productive!) and help my mom re-organize her room. until a little after six, which is when i decide to migrate to barnes and noble to pick up peter. when i get there, low and behold, two cop cars. i swear, all the good stuff happens when i'm not there.

i get inside and a cop is standing next to one of our managers (dana - pronounced dan-uh, not daynuh) and i catch up with joe (he was working; one of our cafe workers, i adore him) who had just stared break. he brings me up to speed on what's happened. someone gave a fake hundred dollar bill. and was still in the store with his wife. so i think the attempt was going to be to arrest him. or something, i'm not entirely sure to be honest. (wow, i almost wrote shore instead of sure. i had to do a double take. am i that tired?) but i didn't get to see any action. i spent the majority of my time bothering either my brother or janet.

the latter of which i had a long, long conversation with.

of whom i have a message for: i've got nothing. at all. let the raspberry scones bake regularly, i'm sure they'll go out of style soon enough and be replaced, again, by cranberry orange scones. sigh.

(was that good? hahahaha, are you crying your eyes laughing? or are you shaking your head? admit it, you're laughing. it was a good one.)


right. picked up peter, went home to help my aunt and cousin finish dinner. which was delicious. we had turkey chili and potatoes. oh man... so good. mmm. (insert salivating here).

walking around the kitchen, joking, laughing... it made me realize that yes, my life might not always be perfect, but it's pretty damn good. and i love it. my family is funny, entertaining, and always there for me. even if it's just us, putzing around making dinner.

or sitting in a three person chain, blow drying hair. like we did just now before i got to this very comfy spot on the couch, typing to you imaginary folks (with the exception of janet) at home. or not at home. whatever. whichever. who cares!

i've had that stupid rihanna song stuck in my head. "i may be bad but i'm perfectly good at it." i'm not, either of those things really, but it's like a constant loop and i may have to listen to it to get it out eventually. rawr!

i'm a dinosaur! (to be pronounced the way the DNA strand does in the jurassic park movie.)

i have a huge hankering to watch the fifth element. probably because mike and i were talking about mila whateverhernameisvich. jovovich? maybe. that chick. and my mom and i were talking about the opera scene (one of my favorites ha.)

all right! i'm going to get some oreos, finish writing something that needs to get done, and contemplate the likelihood of totally re-crafting my stupid play to make sense in a family arena. maybe.

we'll see! wish me luck! adieu, mon cheres.

(blows kisses)


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