Monday, April 11, 2011

where do we go from here?

bio lab went well. (here we go with the mundane again, folks. beware.) got my paper back (the article one - the one i wrote the night before til one thirty with little to no knowledge). you could get anywhere from a 1-15. guess who got a perfect score? this chick. thanks, thanks, thanks.

skipped history because really? i'm too exhausted and my writing is suffering too much. one missed class (well, at this rate two) won't kill me. i think i'll manage to survive it all. all i have to do is actually do all the readings i haven't done. i'll set aside a day during vacation to do that. probably thursday, or monday/tuesday before work. which reminds me, i can't wait for next week. can you say freedom? the mere thought of not having to do any real work other than play the necessary catch-up makes me feel like a real human again.

maybe i'll actually do something. if i can i'll try to take a road trip. wednesday into thursday, maybe, since i'm fairly certain i don't have too much planned. and joe probably doesn't have work until late thursday, so kidnapping for the sake of freedom should be entirely worth it.

when there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.

i'm at the computer lab in school. here's what's been going through my head since i woke up this morning:

why do i have strange dreams about hotel rooms, and people smoking weed from bright green glass bongs? why does bio have to be at nine on mondays? can't it be never on neverdays? (that's literally how my brain functioned this morning.) i was in the shower and again got distracted by my nose. it's really not good. oh, goddamnit, now i'm distracted by it again. the tip is in my line of vision when i'm looking forward, like i am now, at the screen. why am i so awkward? truly, sir ulrich.

also, i'm still terribly in the mood to watch session 9, but i'm a complete chicken. i'll have to set up a day when someone isn't terribly busy and has the least amount of desire to make me feel as small as pea when i curl up next to them out of fear. i may morph into a ball of aleey, frightened to a peak of insanity as i try to overcome the fear insighted by what my brother calls the last real horror movie of our generation. and the premise of it (three guys working in an old abandoned asylum who stumble upon a video set of a woman with multiple personalities) sounds promising. haha, premise, promising... i didn't even do that on purpose.

why is that funny?

why so serious?

god, he's dead, how weird is that?

i started writing something that i'm now already disappointed in. i'm going to finish typing it up and email it to oz to dissect what i have thus far. ideas would be fabulous. i've got this great idea, and it's all natural based, because really, trees are awesome. and a world without a large weeping willow tree isn't a world at all.

i'm good at repairs and i'm under each snare.

dear gorillaz, please don't ever stop. thanks, aleey.

so, remember that thing i said i wanted? the kiss thing? i think i may have devised a plan to attain such a kiss. the downside? it won't be from who i want it to be from, but it will be from someone i know for a fact is capable of it. because i taught him how to do it! i wonder what it would be like to do it to someone. hum. now i'm overthinking everything.

clarification, so you don't have to scroll down and over a few days: what i want is that kind of kiss where one arm is wrapped around the waist, the other is at the back of the head and then pow. my knees buckle and i can barely breathe. how much of a sap am i? i swear, john cusack would be my ultimate counterpart for any 80s teen romance flick. or even serendipity.


serenity. why did i think of that? now i'm thinking of wash being dead. who wants to think about that? i loved wash. stupid movie. killing off alan tudyk. just... random, too. ship crashes. lands it straight through his gut.


i want to make a list of my favorite movies again. it's changed a little bit. i guess i should make one list (of my favorite movies) and another (of the movies that i believe are superior to others in the world).

but i won't do that now. i have to get back to writing. and swooning. don't judge me strudel, you know how i swoon. it's nice to.

also, corey, catt daddy.

enjoy your day, folks.

remember, you will smile soon.


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